Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Monthly Horoscope

eLooo Libra girlz n boys......
this month is a libra month u know...
i don't know whether u all believe in horoscope or not.....
for me it is fun to read it but it's up to u to believe or not...
lets see what a Libra journeys for this month because the aid are coming soon right...
i think u maybe want to know about ur financial, love,or education....
Let's check it out.......

The 1st and 2nd are going to be your kind of days. There will be beauty. There will be laughter. There will be joy. There may be singing. There will be good food and good friends. There may be good kissing. In short, look alive as the month begins: It's going to be spectacular. The 5th is a great day to make some changes, then really go the distance in making them. Don't just settle for the superficial; reach way down into that complex psyche of yours and figure out just what is that has to go. Muck around down there, until you've got it all figured out. You want to make sure that this is one change that sticks. By the time the 9th comes, if things at home don't feel balanced, maybe it is time to re-hang a couple of your pictures and fix the broken chandelier? More importantly, perhaps it's time to talk about what ever has been festering between you and your cohabitants for sometime now? Ah-ha! Better now? On the 14th, do what you can to help out a friend in aesthetic need. Whether they need a new haircut or different jacket, put it to them gently, but firmly. By the 20th, you're a pro when it comes to communicating. On 25th, catch up with your workout. On the 30th, get ready to sort out a business issue.

1 comment:

Apple said...

hey, new blogger huh? keep on writing tho!